Monday, March 30, 2009

Horseshoe Handymen

The word that I found in a magazine was horseshoe and the idea that Beth gave me was "celebrating handymen". I actually typed into google, "Horseshoe handymen" and I was shocked at what all came up. I didn't realize every piece of furniture could be built out of horseshoes until I did this assignment. is where I found all these ridiculous pictures but he had like a million more I could of chosen which I don't know if thats sad or just crafty on his part. I decided there was nothing more that could celebrate handymen and horseshoes then showing all the stuff a handyman coul build with horseshoes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Class after Spring Break

It felt pretty weird being in class today after not being there for like a month.  We talked about what people did for the randomness assignment and they showed it if they had something to show.  I thought the DDR impression was really cool how he tied in the whole seeing sideways literally into the game.  That was about the only one that really stuck out to me as I can't really remember the others.  I thought the second half of class was really cool.  I was a skeptic at first but I think it turned out really well.  It's amazing how one idea can really get everyone going as far as adding on to each others ideas.  I think the best thing we did was get like 5 people in the group in order to get every ones minds together to get something.  I think our NUVO bobble head turned out really well and got a lot of weird looks from the law students so that was a plus.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Idea Assignment

I read this assignment the Friday I left for spring break. Obviously since I am just now doing this, I was not able to do the assignment. I think if I absolutely wanted to get the assignment done I could've but I just have this rule on spring break that I don't look at a computer or even think about school. That was exactly what I did and it was amazing because we were busy the whole time in LA and San Diego. That may mean I don't get any points for this assignment but I would say it was worth it as I had the time of my life, and just took my mind off of work and school and it was great.

Monday, March 9, 2009

50 what if redux: Final Project

What if:

I went on a road trip to a random state with some friends one weekend.

I did something different with an egg this time.

I did a documentation of my trip to LA.

I ran the mini marathon this year.

I mixed my own song with original sounds.

I made a remix using a blend of different songs that I like.

I wore a ridiculous costume downtown to see people’s reactions.

I set a prank for my friends and video taped their reactions.

I videotaped my trip to LA

I mixed still images with video of my trip to LA

MY project is to get a picture with a famous person in LA.

I went a week without my computer or Internet.

I gave up tv for a week and documented it.

I did an animatic of my new car.

See how far I can get with a tank of gas.

I traveled to a place in Indiana I have never been to and documented it.

I made a pinnata

I created an object that I have never done before.

Did something creative downtown using video or still photos

I tried to stump the class with a riddle

I do something no one would understand but me.

Do a timeline of our annual keg race and document it with photos

I said these 50 what ifs are my final project

I learned karate for the project

I broke guiness world record.

I grew out my hair till the last day of class

I let my facial hair grow until the last day of class.

I wrote a book.

I invented something that made me millions

I played my trumpet for the class…(I suck)

I baked a cake for class.(I have never baked a cake)

I learned how to do something I have never done.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Class Response 7

Again I will be completely honest, today After my first classes, I just did not feel like going to another class after that. I was lazy today and didn't make it to class but I did accomplish other things I have planned on doing but hadn't gotten around to it. I got my grocery shopping done which I absolutely hate doing and I cleaned my room up from the mess that I created over the last week and weekend. Although I didn't make it to class I did accomplish a lot of things that I had been putting off. I do however plan on coming to the next class

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can I finish this Reading?

I am actually posting this as I am in the middle of the reading because honestly, I can't seem to get through it. I am seriously zoning out constantly during the reading. I do know that there are two brilliant people of their time questioning a lot of occurrences on earth, the universe, and existence. I don't know if other people do this, but when I am given a lengthy reading assignment, it is nearly impossible for me to get through it and understand whats going on because my mind is thinking about 10 things at once and I can't focus on the reading if I'm not totally interested in it. I also started wondering if this assignment was given as a way to see who actually would really read all of this! I will try to go back and get through some more of this but honestly I don't think I will finish it. I wish I was more interested in the subject but maybe once people explain it in class tomorrow I will have more interest in what the reading is trying to say.